Showing posts with label life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label life. Show all posts

Tuesday, 2 February 2016

 Three Wise WO/Men in the Black & White World

Three wise men told me their thoughts and points of view on my life. All of them are well educated and all of them play an important role in my life. And all of three of them are black guys. One is from Kenya, other is from Haiti and the last one is from Zambia. They all have University Degrees and all of them also know how to treat women and people in general. Why I am saying this is that I do not surround myself, unlike many foolish girls, with pretty fit black guys to have fun with. Those guys are my real inspiration. They work in the biggest consulting companies in US, for a stock market or as a luxury realtor.
I really struggled past few months. I really felt like I should be somewhere else even though I am within myself deeper than I was ever before. I feel lost, a mess and a total waste to this world and I still really don't know how to change it.
In past few weeks I turned to those three wise men for a consult, an advice, help, support, lead...
And they really tried their best to share their wisdom with me. It was a white winter time while talking to my black guys. Here it was -35 degrees Celsius and after two years we had, at least for a couple of days, enough snow to enjoy the white beauty around.
I stopped that moment and realised that world is not black and white despite the irony given to me by the consequences of the nature.
I see the world as colourful as never before. 
I am doing tiny steps to move forward toward my dreams, my goal and my vision. There is still very long journey ahead of me but if I lose the fear i will make it. I have more than three wise man around me. I am blessed to have known many wonderful souls around the world with whom I share my worries and achievements. Spring is coming and there is nothing black and white about the spring.

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Love what you Do. Do what you Love. 

Sounds like a cliche? Sounds impossible? Sounds right?
Which option is You? What do you strive in life? What do you do in order to do what you love?
I have been asking myself those questions for many many years because I was unhappy, thinking I do not belong anywhere. I was always what people call  "a black sheep". 
When I was still a kid things were fine. I even remember going to a primary school and quite enjoying myself because I have had great friends. It all started at the high school when me with other girls were  bullied by a boy group. Then all my allergies started, I was permanently ill and my life purpose was to get drunk so I end up unconscious every time I could. At the uni, I had some friends but we were never real friends. We were just a survival company during those 3 long years. At home I also had a situation because my mom`s husband wouldn't talk to me without a reason for long 3 years. I was feeling I do not belong anywhere.
My salvation was my departure to the UK. There I quickly became aware of who I really am and what capacity I really have. I started to work on my English. I built real friendships and got rid of all my illnesses. This process of knowing myself is lasting till now ( 16 years later) but at least now I recognise what is right for me and which people I want in my life. I also started to like myself. For me living abroad was a priceless experience which formed my way of thinking "out of the box".
I finally found out what my real passions are and now I am making them part of my work.
I wish everyone a very fruitful life journey with as many experience as possible before you truly know yourself and truly know what you want in life.