Showing posts with label appreciation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label appreciation. Show all posts

Wednesday, 30 September 2015


Mother Nature just flows because she is the smartest being on the planet.
If you are forcing something against its own will it will not be natural, therefore it will not flow. It will get stuck. You will get stuck.
Your actions determine your fate. Are you prepared to evolve and let go?
Have you ever noticed that if you let things to happen they will figure out how to flow in your best interest.We have to learn so much from the Mother Nature and what do we do instead? We destroy her. We act like we own her. Like we are smarter and and we can empower her. Really? I beg those who still think this way to think about the harm they are causing. Please stop cruelty on the animals and stop destroying our beautiful Mother. She is the one who gave you life. 
A book which really change my way of perception is Message for the Tribe of Many Colours
And a lovely video below that moves me every time I watch it.

Thursday, 6 August 2015

Blessed Day

Yesterday, without realising was the most perfect day in a long time. Totally spontaneously I got to spend time with all members of my family and I consider it to be the biggest blessing of that day. My family, however we disagree on many topics, is my everything and I really love them.

I started my day with 10km run in the nature while watching the sunrise. Running helps me to get rid of the excess of energy and after that I can concentrate and focus better and get more things done. 
Then, me, my sister Helen, her partner Michal and their daughter Emm went to see my father who is a farmer and during those hot summer days is harvesting grains on the fields. I`ve got to sit inside the harvester next to my dad and watch how millions of grain entered inside this massive machine so that few moments later they were spilt out and on the lorry transported to the nearest grainery. There was also my half brother Petr who helps my father to run the farm. 
At the lunch time, me, my mom and my youngest sister Jeff had meal together at the local pub and  after that we went swimming in the nearby natural lake with our  dogs, chihuahua Orion and prague`s rattle Charlie.

Just imagine this peaceful lake surrounded by forrest and nobody else is there. It is such a privilege to live in this picturesque valley with no sign of industrial damage. On many occasion and specially when I run I see all sorts of wild animals in the fields close to me. It makes my heart jump with a joy and appreciation.

In the evening after helping my mom to water the whole garden, me and my sis Jeff took our bikes and cycled 5km up to Monínec resort where we had glass of wine and were enjoying the best view on the whole valley.

I only realised it this morning that however ordinary my day was it was a real blessing because nothing can compare to this feeling that you have a family and you are part of each of them. I feel so lonely sometimes but if I change my point of view and look at things from a different perspective I will never be alone when I don't want to be.