Wednesday, 30 September 2015


Mother Nature just flows because she is the smartest being on the planet.
If you are forcing something against its own will it will not be natural, therefore it will not flow. It will get stuck. You will get stuck.
Your actions determine your fate. Are you prepared to evolve and let go?
Have you ever noticed that if you let things to happen they will figure out how to flow in your best interest.We have to learn so much from the Mother Nature and what do we do instead? We destroy her. We act like we own her. Like we are smarter and and we can empower her. Really? I beg those who still think this way to think about the harm they are causing. Please stop cruelty on the animals and stop destroying our beautiful Mother. She is the one who gave you life. 
A book which really change my way of perception is Message for the Tribe of Many Colours
And a lovely video below that moves me every time I watch it.

Friday, 18 September 2015

Irony of Isolation

My nature is to talk to anyone about anything. When I meet total strangers I can just compliment them or ask them what is on my mind at that moment. Yes, this is me and this is my way to stay connected with the outer world. 
I do not read newspapers neither do I watch TV. I basically have no interest to get information via media. I rather find for myself. I rather feel that person`s vibe and energy instead of passively receiving made up stories. 
Media has overpowered many people who sightlessly believe in it. People stopped thinking for themselves and echo back what they hear from TV and radio. Ironically they get disconnected with people around them because they stopped talking to them. As this gap is growing, isolation growing too.
I wish for everyone to start talking to people on the street, in the supermarket, in the queue, on the train.
It will change your lives. You will get richer and will surround yourself with the real people.

Happy Friday everyone.